2016-02-05T22:29:26.290237+00:00 Hello, world 2016-02-09T15:38:27-05:00 Been thinking about writing a twtxt-AAS provider. 2016-02-09T15:46:08-05:00 Guess I'm too late: https://github.com/plomlompom/htwtxt 2016-02-09T15:52:57-05:00 I find the wide variety of ways people are deploying twtxt pretty fascinating 2016-02-09T16:01:49-05:00 twtxt-able twtxt helper scripts, part 1: make 'tt' run 'twtxt timeline -l 1000 | less' 2016-02-09T16:03:52-05:00 part 2: make 'tw' run 'twtxt tweet "$@"' 2016-02-09T16:04:29-05:00 part 3: make 'tf' run 'twtxt follow "$@"' 2016-02-09T16:04:48-05:00 no shortcut for unfollowing cause who needs that kind of negativity 2016-02-09T16:10:41-05:00 Who all is using the node version? I'm more of a JS hacker so I might contribute to that, but the .py version seems more popular. 2016-02-09T17:27:16-05:00 How should metadata about a twtxt feed be stored? Weigh in @ https://github.com/buckket/twtxt/issues/48 2017-03-05T18:34:21-08:00 Think I'll try out twtxt again for while... 2017-03-06T00:47:18-08:00 @ @ thanks! I was checking access logs on nginx and noticed a bunch of 404s to my twtxt url, so I decided to pick it back up. 2017-03-06T00:53:37-08:00 (testing a post_tweet_hook) (EDIT: it worked) 2017-03-07T13:20:44-08:00 Been checking out Dyalog APL lately - it's definitely a mind-bender. 2017-03-08T09:58:11-08:00 Last night I learned the hard way that rubber-dome keycaps are quite intolerant of being removed on a whim. 2017-03-11T00:25:28.000000Z My latest side project: https://asciinema.org/a/0iur84zj6tb2gm93ys7l8p8za 2017-03-11T23:02:48.000000Z @ mostly for fun, but once I have it working more it'll get integrated into https://gitlab.com/technomancy/bussard. 2017-03-12T21:43:50.000000Z I'm not working on bussard, I'm just IRC friends with @ and he expressed interest in making scheme available there. 2017-03-12T23:34:56.000000Z lsc has lambdas now: https://asciinema.org/a/aihpsfibe1u55bqpogkq6qyt3 2017-03-13T17:29:28.000000Z lsc has an initial scoping mechanism: https://asciinema.org/a/73now0dbnauz44f4rjqpdfva5 2017-03-13T17:52:57.000000Z @, @, @ I agree with the "no max length; show at least 140chars" idea. 2017-03-13T17:54:26.000000Z @, @ re: metadata, I'm (obviously) in favor of my suggestion for metadata-in-comments, but I don't think we should have comments _in_ comments. 2017-03-13T17:58:53.000000Z When it comes to performance issues, I honestly think the solution is just "don't follow so many people". You only pull the feeds you read, and once one's feeds are too much for the _computer_ to handle, they'll almost certainly have far too much content for a _person_ to actually read. 2017-03-13T18:08:46.000000Z Additionally, there's a lot that can be done by a client to reduce the network traffic and UI latency of twtxt _without_ changing the protocol. 2017-03-13T18:09:11.000000Z @ that sounds fair to me. 2017-03-13T20:00:13.000000Z @ that's one of the approaches I was thinking of. 2017-03-16T06:37:59.000000Z @ I actually _just_ started a new job working on a frontend for Hugo (and other static site generators). 2017-03-16T19:35:17.000000Z @ the static site CMS? It's open source: https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/ 2017-03-16T19:36:48.000000Z /me really wishes asciinema had audio support. 2017-03-20T20:18:51.000000Z /me is finally working on a twtxt client 2017-03-23T07:44:59.000000Z @ my bad - I've been developing a twtxt client, hence the frequent requests. I'm switching it over to use a fs cache for testing so I'm not hitting the twtxt files so much. 2017-04-11T04:05:40.000000Z another test tweet... 2017-07-10T20:12:02.000000Z @ too busy working on a twtxt client to tweet on twtxt 2017-08-18T21:15:57.000000Z @ @ #twtxt's quietness is actually something I enjoy about it. I care a lot more about signal-to-noise ratio than I care about the regular activity. It's also a really fun thing to write clients for to play around with new libraries or languages. 2017-08-22T23:20:19.000000Z @ yikes! It's unbelievable that "We physically can't give you that data" is treated as "It was clear that there was no intention to cooperate with the investigation" - that's utterly absurd. 2017-09-06T21:18:44.000000Z @ welcome! 2017-09-17T20:09:25.000000Z @ good points, though another that I've noticed is that it's difficult to tell who in your network is actually reachable with your tweets. My HTTPS cert went unupdated for a brief while and now I have no idea who is still following me since I got it working again, so it's difficult to tell where I can really have a conversation. A centralized service can tell who's following who, but that's basically impossible in twtxt. 2017-09-17T22:22:15.000000Z Despite that, I'm still a big fan of the service and check it daily. It's much more enjoyable than Twitter is, for sure, even with its drawbacks. 2017-09-20T20:20:01.000000Z @ that's a clever solution; I'll have to set up something like that. 2017-09-20T20:20:31.000000Z @ welcome! 2017-09-21T21:07:20.000000Z @ welcome to twtxt! 2017-09-21T21:08:14.000000Z I'm trying to decide whether soldiering on with the messy codebase of my homegrown site generator is worth it or if I should redo my site in a more established tool. 2017-09-21T22:16:10.000000Z @ for sure! Especially when you're bad at doing frequent git commits when you're the only one working on something. 2017-09-21T22:19:20.000000Z @ I could probably put something together, but I went this route originally because existing generators felt like they took too much control from me over the exact output. I want _very_ small, static pages I can throw behind nginx, and I want to know exactly what the contents are. My current mess of spaghetti Racket is getting hairy since I'm halfway through an unfinished rewrite I started a while ago and forgot about, but at least I know exactly what it's doing. 2017-09-22T18:28:12.000000Z Rethemed my desktop using the colors from the atom-one-dark theme: https://imgur.com/a/IDunX 2017-09-22T20:17:01.000000Z @ I'm not currently using a handrolled client, but I've started a couple. 2017-09-23T01:15:55.000000Z @ bingo! 2017-09-28T00:38:02.000000Z Re: support for other protocols, it seems like twtxt would be pretty easily adapted to work over the p2p file network [DAT](datproject.org), though it'd need client support for DAT or some way to follow people via files and sync in the background, which might be simpler for clients to support but would still require changes to most clients. 2017-09-28T21:08:54.000000Z @ #stagit looks really cool, thanks for mentioning it. 2017-10-05T22:35:50.000000Z My coworker Brian Douglas invited GitLab's Jacob Schatz and me to discuss GitLab's use of Vue.js on the latest episode of his podcast, JAMStack Radio - https://www.heavybit.com/library/podcasts/jamstack-radio/ep-21-why-gitlab-chose-vue-js/ 2017-10-06T18:58:59.000000Z Welcome, @ and @!