Configuring Go Apps with TOML

So you’ve been writing an application in Go, and you’re getting to the point where you have a lot of different options in your program. You’ll likely want a configuration file, as specifying every option on the command-line can get difficult and clunky, and launching applications from a desktop environment makes specifying options at launch even more difficult.

This post will cover configuring Go apps using a simple, INI-like configuration language called TOML, as well as some related difficulties and pitfalls.

TOML has quite a few implementations, including several libraries for Go. I particularly like BurntSushi’s TOML parser and decoder, as it lets you marshal a TOML file directly into a struct. This means your configuration can be fully typed and you can easily do custom conversions (such as parsing a time.Duration) as you read the config, so you don’t have to do them in the rest of your application.

Configuration location

The first question you should ask when adding config files to any app is "where should they go?". For tools that aren’t designed to be run as a service, as root, or under a custom user (in other words, most of them), you should be putting them in the user’s home directory, so they’re easily changed. A few notes:

  • Even if you currently have only one file, you should use a folder and put the config file within it. That way, if and when you do need other files there, you won’t have to clutter the user’s home directory or deal with loading config files that could be in two different locations (Emacs, for instance, supports both ~/.emacs.d/init.el and ~/.emacs for historical reasons, which ends up causing confusing problems when both exist).

  • You should name your configuration directory after your program.

  • You should typically prefix your config directory with a . (but see the final note for Linux, as configuration directories within XDG_CONFIG_HOME should not be so prefixed).

  • On most OSs, putting your configuration files in the user’s “home” directory is typical. I recommend the library go-homedir, rather than the User.Homedir available in the stdlib from os/user. This is because use of os/user uses cgo, which, while useful in many situations, also causes a number of difficulties that can otherwise be avoided - most notably, cross-compilation is no longer simple, and the ease of deploying a static Go binary gets a number of caveats.

  • On Linux specifically, I strongly encourage that you do not put your configuration directory directly in the user’s home directory. Most commonly-used modern Linux distributions use the XDG Base Directory Specification from, which specifies standard locations for various directories on an end-user Linux system. (Despite this, many applications don’t respect the standard and put their configurations directly in ~ anyway). By default, this is ~/.config/, but it can also be set with the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable. Directories within this should not use a leading ., as the directory is already hidden by default.

The following function should get you the correct location for your config directory on all platforms (if there’s a platform with a specific convention for config locations which I’ve missed, I’d appreciate you letting me know so I can update the post - my email is at the bottom of the page).

import (


var configDirName = "example"

func GetDefaultConfigDir() (string, error) {
    var configDirLocation string

    homeDir, err := homedir.Dir()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    switch runtime.GOOS {
    case "linux":
        // Use the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable if it is set, otherwise
        // $HOME/.config/example
        xdgConfigHome := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
        if xdgConfigHome != "" {
            configDirLocation = xdgConfigHome
        } else {
            configDirLocation = filepath.Join(homeDir, ".config", configDirName)

        // On other platforms we just use $HOME/.example
        hiddenConfigDirName := "." + configDirName
        configDirLocation = filepath.Join(homeDir, hiddenConfigDirName)

    return configDirLocation, nil

Within the config folder, you can use any filename you want for your config - I suggest config.toml.

Loading the config file

To load a config file, you’ll first want to define the what config values you’ll use. burntsushi/toml will ignore options in the TOML file that you don’t use, so you don’t have to worry about that causing errors. For instance, here’s the proposed configuration for a project I’m maintaining, wuzz (the keybindings aren’t currently implemented, but I’ve left them in for the sake of demonstration):

type Config struct {
    General GeneralOptions
    Keys    map[string]map[string]string

type GeneralOptions struct {
    FormatJSON             bool
    Insecure               bool
    PreserveScrollPosition bool
    DefaultURLScheme       string

It’s pretty simple. Note that we use a named struct for GeneralOptions, rather than making Config.General an anonymous struct. This makes nesting options simpler and aids tooling.

Loading the config is quite easy:

import (

func LoadConfig(configFile string) (*Config, error) {
    if _, err := os.Stat(configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return nil, errors.New("Config file does not exist.")
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var conf Config
    if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(configFile, &conf); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &conf, nil

toml.DecodeFile will automatically populate conf with the values set in the TOML file. (Note that we pass &conf to toml.DecodeFile, not conf - we need to populate the struct we actually have, not a copy). Given the above Config type and the following TOML file…

defaultURLScheme = "https"
formatJSON = true
preserveScrollPosition = true
insecure = false


  "C-j" = "next-view"
  "C-k" = "previous-view"
  "<down>" = "scroll-down"

…we’ll get a Config like the following:

    General: GeneralOptions{
        DefaultURLScheme:       "https",
        FormatJSON:             true,
        PreserveScrollPosition: true,
        Insecure:               false,
    Keys: map[string]map[string]string{
        "general": map[string]string{
            "C-j": "next-view",
            "C-k": "previous-view",
        "response-view": map[string]string{
            "<down>": "scroll-down",

Automatically decoding values

wuzz actually uses another value in its config - a default HTTP timeout. In this case, though, there’s no native TOML value that cleanly maps to the type we want - a time.Duration. Fortunately, the TOML library we’re using supports automatically decoding TOML values into custom Go values. To do so, we’ll need a type that wraps time.Duration:

type Duration struct {

Next we’ll need to add an UnmarshalText method, so we satisfy the toml.TextUnmarshaler interface. This will let toml know that we expect a string value which will be passed into our UnmarshalText method.

func (d *Duration) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
    var err error
    d.Duration, err = time.ParseDuration(string(text))
    return err

Finally, we’ll need to add it to our Config type. This will go in Config.General, so we’ll add it to GeneralOptions:

type GeneralOptions struct {
    Timeout                Duration
    // ...

Now we can add it to our TOML file, and toml.DecodeFile will automatically populate our struct with a Duration value!


timeout = "1m"
# ...

Equivalent output:

    General: GeneralOptions{
        Timeout: Duration{
            Duration: 1 * time.Minute
        // ...

Default config values

We now have configuration loading, and we’re even decoding a text field to a custom Go type - we’re nearly finished! Next we’ll want to specify defaults for the configuration. We want values specified in the config to override our defaults. Fortunately, toml makes really easy to do.

Remember how we passed in &conf to toml.DecodeFile? That was an empty Config struct - but we can also pass one with its values pre-populated. toml.DecodeFile will set any values that exist in the TOML file, and ignore the rest. First we’ll create the default values:

import (
var DefaultConfig = Config{
    General: GeneralOptions{
        DefaultURLScheme:       "https",
        FormatJSON:             true,
        Insecure:               false,
        PreserveScrollPosition: true,
        Timeout: Duration{
            Duration: 1 * time.Minute,
    // You can omit stuff from the default config if you'd like - in
    // this case we don't specify Config.Keys

Next, we simply modify the LoadConfig function to use DefaultConfig:

func LoadConfig(configFile string) (*Config, error) {
    if _, err := os.Stat(configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return nil, errors.New("Config file does not exist.")
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    conf := DefaultConfig
    if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(configFile, &conf); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &conf, nil

The important line here is conf := DefaultConfig - now when conf is passed to toml.DecodeFile it will populate that.


I hope this post helped you! you should now be able to configure Go apps using TOML with ease.

If this post was helpful to you, or you have comments or corrections, please let me know! My email address is at the bottom of the page. I’m also looking for work at the moment, so feel free to get in touch if you’re looking for developers.

Complete code

package config

import (


var configDirName = "example"

func GetDefaultConfigDir() (string, error) {
    var configDirLocation string

    homeDir, err := homedir.Dir()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    switch runtime.GOOS {
    case "linux":
        // Use the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable if it is set, otherwise
        // $HOME/.config/example
        xdgConfigHome := os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
        if xdgConfigHome != "" {
            configDirLocation = xdgConfigHome
        } else {
            configDirLocation = filepath.Join(homeDir, ".config", configDirName)

        // On other platforms we just use $HOME/.example
        hiddenConfigDirName := "." + configDirName
        configDirLocation = filepath.Join(homeDir, hiddenConfigDirName)

    return configDirLocation, nil

type Config struct {
    General GeneralOptions
    Keys    map[string]map[string]string

type GeneralOptions struct {
    DefaultURLScheme       string
    FormatJSON             bool
    Insecure               bool
    PreserveScrollPosition bool
    Timeout                Duration

type Duration struct {

func (d *Duration) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
    var err error
    d.Duration, err = time.ParseDuration(string(text))
    return err

var DefaultConfig = Config{
    General: GeneralOptions{
        DefaultURLScheme:       "https",
        FormatJSON:             true,
        Insecure:               false,
        PreserveScrollPosition: true,
        Timeout: Duration{
            Duration: 1 * time.Minute,

func LoadConfig(configFile string) (*Config, error) {
    if _, err := os.Stat(configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return nil, errors.New("Config file does not exist.")
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    conf := DefaultConfig
    if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(configFile, &conf); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &conf, nil

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